Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Chase's 7th Birthday!

How is it possible that I haven't posted about Chase's 7th birthday yet?? ((Spoiler Alert: Today is February 3, 2017, but I'm going to backdate this post to October 2016 so it shows up in the right spot on my blog!)). It was such a fun day with so many exciting ninja things that Chase loved! I won't do a huge recap in text here; as usual, I will let the pictures tell the story!

First up? The invitation! Simple and fun!

I was proud of the Lloyd (from LEGO Ninjago) cake I made. Lots of fondant (side note: did you know fondant is basically just marshmallows and powdered sugar? whoa.). I continue to learn about making and working with fondant every time I cover a cake with it, and this one was no exception! Chase requested a chocolate cake with cookies & cream buttercream filling, and he wanted it to look like Lloyd, his favorite character from the show. I did my best! :)

A few fun party accents: the LEGO Duplo napkin holder:

The LEGO utensil holder:

I let Chase choose the entire menu for his party. It will come as no surprise he picked a wide variety of healthy choices from across the food pyramid.

Ya, right.

Let's see... fruit snacks!

Granola bars!

Cheese puffs!

Fruit (finally something healthy)!

Veggie tray.

And of course, M&Ms.

Beverages were simple and included lemonade and bottled water.

Some of the lovely party decor, compliments of LO! I especially loved her Lloyd made from crape paper!

Outside, hubs had put together a Ninja Obstacle Course in the backyard for the party guests to enjoy. Chase LOVED it!

Practicing his ninja star throwing skills.

Such determination!

Go, Ninja Chase!

Time to sing and have cake! Love the big smile on this boy's face!

Make a wish, sweet boy!

Naturally, he loved opening his presents after the food, fun, and cake!

A special birthday decor addition from LO introducing all of the ninja!

What a wonderful day we had! We are so very blessed to have this amazing, incredible boy in our family! We love him SO much!! He is such a blessing... I just can't even put it into words!

Happy 7th Birthday, Chase!!!!!

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