Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sigh. . .

I guess I owe you all a post about the future of this little blog of mine. I promise there's nothing overly profound in what you're about to read. Just straight-forward, honest and to the point.

You might recall the poll I posted last week as part of my post about the blog's future, asking you readers what I should do next. Nine of you said keep things the way they are, and four of you thought I should create a separate blog for Chase but still maintain this one. The other 82-ish of you who read the post didn't take the opportunity to share your opinion by choosing a little radio button and submitting your vote. I am extremely grateful to the 12 of you who commented on that post, encouraging me to follow my heart and do whatever makes me happy. After all, this is my blog and I should feel free to share whatever I want to without worrying about the repercussions of others being upset or offended by what I write.

So, without any further ado, I shall hereby proclaim my intentions regarding the future of this blog...

(((drum roll please)))




Uh, I'm just gonna keep it the same.

((utter silence & disbelief))

Shocking revelation, right? I told you so. It seems to me I just like my blog and I like writing about whatever strikes my fancy, and at the end of the day, you guys have the choice to read it or not read it! So simple, right?

I like to cook and bake. So yes, there will be recipes shared here.

I like to shop. So yes, there will be new finds and (non-paid) product endorsements here.

Most importantly, I love my family. So yes, there will be lots of pics and videos of the kids, updates on my sweet boy's precious heart, lots of LO's antics, and any other happenings in my family's life that I feel like sharing.

After all, it's my blog. I can do whatever I want, even if that means doing nothing different or new at all!

Obviously I did makeover the look and feel of the blog, and I hope you like it! I absolutely love it and had so much fun learning some new tricks of the web design/development world since I've been out of touch with it for so long.

So I guess that's that. I hope you'll stay tuned and keep up with our little piece of the world. But it's cool if you have other stuff to do instead. I'm not all about trying to please everybody all the time anymore!


1 comment:

  1. You crack me up!! For a minute...more like the first few paragraphs of this post my heart almost stopped as I was sweating thinking "Oh no she's going to leave!" Boy, was I relieved when you announced you were sticking around! YAY!!!
