Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Little Beach Fun

Over Labor Day, my family went on what we're calling our "1st Annual Family Beach Trip" to North Myrtle Beach, SC. We left the Thursday before Labor Day and came back the Tuesday after. There was a total of 20 of us staying in a PERFECT condo right on the beach. It was a wonderful vacation, and we've already begun planning our 2nd annual trip for next year!

I thought I'd share about our trip visually rather than drone on about it. Honestly I think the pictures say it all!

Aren't I cute?
What LO did during her "down time." I think she and her 9 cousins watched Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs a zillion times!
Chase enjoying being the center of attention. Such an animal!
She loved flying her Yo Gabba Gabba! kite!
Playin' in the sand!
I included this pic just because I think it's awesome!
I thought this one was pretty awesome, too!
SOMEBODY loves playing in the water!
My little cuties!
Uh, I told ya he likes the water.
Oh, and let's not forget the cute little mohawk he's sporting, thanks to the wind! Just darling!
Love these two!!!
Somebody's having a great time! What is she up to?
Oh, that's right... riding in the "Thomas" train at the little carnival down the street from our condo.
"Hi, Mom!" This girl loves her carousels!
So while we were on vacation at the beach, we DID visit this joint pretty much daily.
It was a close walk from our condo and SO worth it!

She really was happier than her face says in this pic...
Honestly, I think she enjoyed her ice cream... ;)
The ride home from the beach. It was a VERY fun and enjoyable vacation!

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