Friday, January 29, 2010

Potty Update

I am amazed at the progress LO has made in just 4 short days of potty training! She had 3 accidents Tuesday (her first day), then ONE Wednesday morning, and ZERO since then! That's right! She hasn't had an accident since Wednesday morning and it is currently Friday afternoon. Wow! I had no idea she'd do so well! She already knows when it's time to go and heads to the potty. She's even pooped on the potty Wednesday, Thursday and today! I absolutely cannot believe this craziness! And, she's even woken up dry from naps for the past 2 days and overnight this morning. I've been dreading this potty training because I was letting myself get overwhelmed with all that it will entail, but it's been such smooth sailing with LO! What a big girl!!!

So I guess our next step will be to get her to go on the "big" potty. She already turns the bathroom light on/off, flushes the big potty (after mommy or daddy empty her little potty into it) and stands on her stool and washes her hands by herself. This is so not the huge hurdle I was afraid it would be!

I'm so proud of my wonderfully amazing BIG GIRL!!!

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